Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Finally setting some goals for myself!

     When I was a child growing up I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. Every school year my teachers would ask us what we wanted to do when we grew up and I just said the first thing that came to my head. As I got older my mom encouraged me to think about becoming an accountant. That’s what I settled for. Because I graduated high school a year early I decided to take a year off of school and work. I thought this would give me time to make a plan for myself. When I started school at Baruch I hesitantly decided I would go ahead and become an accountant. I was never very passionate about accounting so eventually I changed my mind. Now I’ve decided that I don’t really want a career where I’m going to be sitting behind a desk. I like working more with my hands, but until this past summer I still had no idea what I really wanted to do.  I’ve always been interested in all the cake decorating shows that I’ve watched on TLC, The Food Network etc. I found it incredible how someone can make something so amazing. So part of my vision of my future is to attend culinary school and become a professional cake decorator. However I do plan on switching my major and finishing up at Baruch before moving on to culinary school. I want to be sure that if I don’t make it as a cake decorator I have something to fall back on. My second goal is to move out of my moms house =) Not just out of my moms house but out of NY. I want to get away from all the noise and commotion of NY. Actually I have been wanting to move away for a while but I’ve decided to wait till after I finish school. After I have finished culinary school and moved away from NY my last goal would be to open my own bakery and of course be successful.

     After being undecided about my future for so long it feels good to know that I have set some goals for myself. I’m just hoping everything works out =)


  1. Hey, I really like your vision and I too enjoy to culinary arts. In two weeks I'm taking a vegetarian cooking seminar at the National Gourmet Institute and I can't wait. Business school is something to fall back on but cooking school is a dream and after considering how profitable making cakes in NYC can be - you might think twice but for now just keep on going !

  2. Before going to high school I also planned on going to culinary school and building my career there, but over time I changed my mind. However, I still think it is a great idea, especially if you are interested in it and you like working with people and using your skills to create something amazing. Hopefully you will be able to finish here at Baruch and then do something that you really like to do.

  3. My mom's also tried to convince me to become an accountant, hence that being part of the reason I started this accounting major to begin with but surprisingly enough, it hasn't been too awful. Though now being an intern where all I really do aside from walk around to file invoices is just sit around at my desk, I see that I probably won't even go ahead with the accounting license and instead maybe go for a master's in marketing or something other that could leave room for me to become more of a people-person and not just a desk-person. I'm also hoping to get out of New York sooner rather than later and if not for good, then at least for a few years. You've set really good goals for yourself and I wish you the best of luck. :)

  4. I also see Cake Boss from time to time and its truely amazing how such beautiful cakes are made. You sound excited when you write about attending culinary school and i think you should definately go for it. I wish you luck and hope you reach each and everyone of your goals.
