Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Communication via Blog

As the Fall semester comes to an end I start to wonder: did I really learn something in this class?? (not just MGT) I realize that most of my professors just stand up in front of the class and just talk throughout the whole course. In my opinion reading off slides is not the best way to learn (at least for me it isn’t). The best way for me to learn is to relate any course material to real life situations and this is exactly what Professor Kurpis has done with his in-class activities and blog assignments. The activities in class made learning our course material fun and the blog assignments helped me remember the topics associated with the lesson learned during the activity. The blog assignments were also a great idea because it helped us control 20% of our grade with just a couple of blog entries. One of my other classes this semester is basing our grade on only three tests and I really hate that because we don’t get a chance to boost our grade up. The blog assignments didn’t really help me communicate with people in class but it did help me learn what other people were thinking when we did our in class activities and even though I didn’t communicate with a lot of the people in class it was good to know that a lot of my classmates actually had some interests in common. Overall I think the blog assignments are a great idea. I really enjoyed both of these course components and I think they should definitely be kept as a component of the course. I’m not really sure if I’m going to keep this blog up to date but I’m leaning towards no because it’s not easy to balance classes and take time out of studying to share some thoughts with the world. Maybe after I’m done with school I’ll come back and update on how my future goals have turned out but other than that this will probably be my last post for now (except for the upcoming poem). Farewell fellow classmates and good luck with your plans for the future! =)


  1. Cecilia, I agree with you that the blog was a great tool of controling our grade. It surprised me to see how many people did the assignment late or failed. The blog only required less than an hour a week, I tried to do it always at the evening after class when everything was fresh and that made the blog really easy.
    Good luck in next semester!

  2. Hey Cecilia! I agree with you that the in class activities and teaching style of Professor Kurpis really helped us learn the material better than just a robot reading off the slides. Sadly, I'm not sure if many people will be updating their blogs in the future, because if they haven't been doing that throughout this semester, it will be unlikely to change. On a brighter note, I enjoyed working with you during the group activities this semester. Good luck with everything!

  3. Thanks guys! It was great working with both of you and good luck!! =)
